Our global partners; Freemotion Fitness has created a new game-changing, COVID-safe team training solution that promises to make group exercise more popular and accessible than ever before – boosting member engagement, retention, and revenue for operators in this new age of fitness.
For most, gym-based group exercise has always been the golden ticket to retention for fitness clubs, but COVID-19 has put it on the endangered list. With reduced capacities and social distancing rules set to remain in place for the foreseeable future, operators face an uphill battle to make group exercise classes profitable. Freemotion Fitness, one of the world’s leading fitness innovators, has developed a new solution… A revolutionary new type of group exercise category called Fusion Team Training.
There’s no way of knowing how long people’s fears and COVID-born habits will last following the global pandemic, meaning it could be months if not years before we reach the previous jam packed / sell out group exercise sessions some of us saw pre-March. But with Freemotion’s Fusion workouts, there’s no need to wait. This new model for group exercise is perfectly suited to the COVID age and beyond allows operators to maintain and grow one of their biggest draws.
Fusion Team Training is the ultimate fusion of cardio and strength training in an engaging, motivating, small group format that can also create a new profit center for fitness clubs. Delivered in 45-minute, coach-led sessions with 6-12 participants, Fusion workouts alleviate capacity issues and enable operators to max out numerous classes throughout the day. This gives operators and group exercise instructors the peace of mind over session attendance and income. Large enough to be fun, but small enough to offer personal interaction, Fusion provides participants with the expertise of a coach and the motivation of a group environment in a safe and hygienic environment.
Participants complete their daily strength and cardio workout on their own Fusion CST (Cardio Strength Trainer) machine, meaning there’s no need to share equipment, wipe down multiple stations, or spend hours at the gym for cardio and strength training. Fusion CST machines are already positioned at the recommended social distance from each other so that participants can move freely and safely during sessions. Fusion classes are a perfect solution for time and hygiene-conscious members.
Research* shows that the risk of canceling is 56% higher in gym-only members compared to group exercisers. With Fusion, Freemotion is not only bringing something completely fresh to the industry but it’s also providing a COVID-safe solution that allows group exercise to thrive – and facilities to stay profitable – in this new age of fitness.
Fusion is also completely user-defined. Participants select their own pace and intensity, meaning it’s suitable for all ages and fitness levels, while the open design of the Fusion CST makes it wheelchair accessible and welcoming for all abilities.
When you consider all the benefits Fusion offers for operators, trainers, and clients, it can become an integral part of a thriving facility, building community and generating revenue.
*Research by IHRSA