React Fitness

3D Body Scanning vs Weight Scales

Eighties sci-fi movies had us believing that we’d all be travelling around in hovercars by now! We have come a long way since then, but there are no flying Ubers just yet (although this could be just around the corner.)

Fitness trends come and go, and, just like some of the bold predictions about the future made in classic sci-fi films, they’re often looked back upon with amusement. However, one thing we know about the fitness industry is that history often repeats itself. Fitness trends that we once laughed off come back full circle, successfully reinventing themselves with a different marketing spin – just like we see in the movies with some notable, modern remakes. And while some of these fitness reinventions are better than others, anything that gets more people active is a move in the right direction.

Thankfully, one thing that has progressed is body composition analysis. Instead of just redeveloping old methods, several companies have created new and innovative ways to take body composition analysis into the future; none more so than our partner, Styku, which leads the way in this field with its pioneering technology.

When the Styku 3D Body Scanner launched in the UK back in 2016, finally, there was something on the market that could eradicate the discrepancies of weight scales, bioelectrical impedance scales and the dreaded body fat callipers. No more instances of being misled by numbers on a scale that tell you very little and often mask progress and deflate even the most enthusiastic exerciser. No more inaccurate results due to fluctuating hydration levels affecting the resistance of electrical currents. And no more invasive prodding and poking around your client’s skinfolds, marking off points to pinch with callipers.

Styku understood what was missing and revolutionised the industry by offering health and fitness professionals a comprehensive, hi-tech, reliable and unobtrusive way to capture their clients’ body shape and composition, which it does in just a matter of seconds using the world’s most powerful and precise 3D camera, offering non-harmful, high-resolution infrared images and pioneering artificial intelligence technology. And did you know it was developed by a former NASA scientist – pretty impressive, right?!

You may be thinking, this all sounds great, but what’s the point? Let us explain…

Our society has become accustomed to using weight as a key metric to determine progress, usually when trying to improve body shape or size. But, as those of us in the industry know, weight is just a small part of the story!

Many people don’t realise that, as a result of exercise, you can gain lean muscle mass, which is around 22% denser than fat, while also losing inches around your waist, hips and other parts of the body. Therefore, if a person is judging their progress purely on weight loss/gain, they could be in for a nasty shock – thinking that what the weight scale is telling them that they’ve wasted countless hours in the gym when, in fact, it’s the complete opposite… They are actually making progress and moving in the right direction; they’re just missing the extra information that shows it!

Therefore, measuring body circumferences to see where inches are being lost, and shape changes are occurring, is a much better and truer representation of a person’s progress. This is where Styku really comes into its own. Unlike traditional weight scales which can mislead you, Styku provides the user with a precise ad consistent, visual representation of their body and demonstrates where fat is being lost with its digital tape measure which tracks baseline circumferences, including the hip, thigh, waist, chest, and more, with less than 0.5% error. In the hands of a brilliant PT or fitness professional who can explain the science, showcase and celebrate what’s been achieved and areas they need to focus on, Styku motivates people to keep on track with their health and fitness goals. From a professional’s perspective, this is absolute gold dust – enhancing client retention.

Another advantage of 3D body scanning is that it provides professionals with the ability to create customised programmes based on its detailed reports, which simply wouldn’t be possible using more traditional methods of body composition analysis. Hurrah, no more stabbing in the dark or focussing solely on weight loss. The full picture is now at your fingertips!

Using weight scales to monitor your clients’ progress is like watching an 80’s sci-fi movie; interesting, but ultimately dated and not to be taken seriously. Times have moved on. Gauging your clients’ progress simply by using weight scales is something you’re bound to look back upon and say, “Did we really used to track progress in that way?” So, why wait for the future? Join the 3D body scanning revolution to start seeing and feeling the benefits for your clients and business.

Now, where’s that hovercar..?

To start your journey with Styku, email or phone +44 (0)20 7272 0770 / +44 (0)7764 586 436


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